June 04, 2019

Note: This article is evolving and will be updated as more information is available.
What Is The Menagerie and Chalice?
The Chalice of Opulence will be granted to you after completing an initial quest line starting with Benedict 99-40. Once you complete the quest and repair the Chalice, it will be available for you to use to earn rewards from playing the Menagerie mode. Over the course of game play, you will earn Runes and Imperials that will allow you to imbue your Chalice with special abilities. Runes are used to choose your rewards while Imperials will allow you to upgrade you chalice for greater rewards.
Menagerie Mechanics

Normal Mode
Encounters start at power level 700 and gradually increase to 740. Complete encounters until the gauge in the top left reaches 100%. If victory condition is not met when the timer runs out, you will continue on to another activity until meter reaches 100%. It is not possible to fail normal mode. Triumph: Defeat each boss once. Triumph: Complete each encounter with time left on the clock.
Heroic Mode
Power starts at 750 and increases to 770. Matchmaking disabled. Weekly curated modifiers. No duplicate encounters and extinguish is active. You will return to orbit on team wipe or failing to complete 100% within the time limit. Triumph: Complete with fireteam of three or less. Triumph: Complete with time left on the clock. Triumph: Defeat each boss with no fireteam deaths
Lamp Lighting
Kill enemies until boss spawns. Boss will drop orbs on death. Deposit orbs to light the lamps.
Victory: Light all six lamps
Triumph: Only light one lamp per player
The Hunted
Capture marked plates until the meter is full. Killing knights also advances progress. Two plates will be active at a time.
Victory: Fill the meter.
The Mockery
Kill wizards to drop orbs and deposit orbs to recharge the Havens until boss spawns. “Touch of the Deep” applies when away from Havens.
Victory: Kill the two Ogre bosses.
Triumph: Keep all three Havens intact and kill the ogre bosses.
The Crystals
Kill enemies to drop Vex Cranium. Crystals can only be damaged by the Cranium. Destroy enough crystals to summon a boss.
Victory: Kill the boss.
The Arkborn
Collect souls around the area (max hold three at once) and deposit at marked locations.
Victory: Finish three boss waves.
The Gauntlet
Kill enemies and boss until transported onto the track and complete a lap.
Victory: At least one player completes all laps.
Triumph: All six players complete a lap.
Triumph: All six players complete every lap.
The Riposte
Kill knights so they drop their sword. The swords can then be used to damage white shields. Continue killing enemies until the boss spawns.
Victory: Kill the ogre boss.
Hasapiko, Minotaur
Harpies will drop a pool on death. Enter the pool to get a buff to drop the shield. Avoid the energy walls while damaging the boss. Shoot the hand to make the walls red and become non-lethal.
Triumph: Only one player per Harpy pool.
Arunak, Ogre
Cursed Thralls will drop relics that can be thrown to lower shield. As Arunak’s health lowers, a pair of yellow bar Knights will also spawn.
Triumph: Don’t kill the knights.
Pagouri, Hydra
Stand on one of three plates to charge up to lure boss out of shield. Each phase requires an additional plate activated. Boss appears at last plate complete for the phase.
Triumph: Lure the boss to each plate only once.
Chalice Mechanics

How To Earn Runes
Complete weekly bounties
Open chests on the Nessus Barge
Use a Runefinder consumable to increase your chances of rune drops from activities
How to Earn Imperials
Imperials are used to upgrade your Chalice. You can pick your upgrade perks as you go along.
You can earn imperials by:
Completing weekly bounties
Completing certain Triumphs
Use a Wealth of the Emperor consumable to increase your chances of imperial drops from activities
After upgrading the Chalice, you can earn imperials through other game activities
List of Possible Upgrades
Specialization Slot (2000 imperials)
Unlocks the second slot and an additional run drop from Treasure Hunt bounties
Masterwork Slot (3000 imperials)
Unlocks the third slot and an additional run drop from Treasure Hunt bounties
Rune Bonus I (2500 imperials)
Grants an additional rune from Werner 99-40's bounties and Runefinder consumables.
Rune Bonus II (3500 imperials)
One actively slotted rune is refunded upon looting the final chest in the Menagerie.
Rune Bonus III (6000 imperials)
Grants a chance to gain an additional non-powerful reward from the final chest in the Menagerie during Season of Opulence.
Power and Efficiency I (2500 imperials)
Grants an additional weekly powerful reward from the final chest in the Menagerie and unlocks chests found on the Imperial Barge on Nessus.
Power and Efficiency II (3500 imperials)
Grants an additional weekly powerful reward from the final chest in the Menagerie. Playlist activities may now rarely award Imperials.
Power and Efficiency III (8000 imperials)
Weekly powerful rewards from the final chest in the Menagerie will now drop a Season of Opulence mod.
Rune Compatibility I (1000 imperials)
Grants the ability to obtain and slot red runes, which can be used to guarantee the drop of class-specific arm and leg armor, as well as Power weapons.
Rune Compatibility II (3000 imperials)
Grants the ability to obtain and slot green runes, which can be used to guarantee the drop of class-specific head armor, Hand Cannons, and Sidearms.
Rune Compatibility III (6000 imperials)
Grants the ability to obtain and slot blue runes, which can be used to guarantee the drop of class-specific chest armor, Fusion Rifles, and Shotguns.
Perfected (Once Chalice is fully upgraded)
Loot sources that ordinarily drop Imperials will now drop runes.